
Friday 22 April 2011

deaR friEnds...

wE neeD memOries..
Not to wEep oVer bUt thouGhts to pOnder...
We neEd lauGtheR..
we Need cHeers..
we hAd theM alL tHese yEars..
But liFe iZ a raCe..
wHich Runs aT a faSt pAce...
i woulD miSz alL thoSe cheerS..
wE haD duRinG thoSe nauGHty yeAr..
buT oUr memoRise wouLd liFe ForeveR..
tHe eNtirEs GosSips aNd tesT maRk..
wOnderFul paRties aNd craZy LaugHt..
woulD Be DrowNed bY curRenTs oF tiMe..
The GreateSt kinDness...
wE cAn ofFer eAch otHer iZ..

...senantiasa bersama...

Monday 11 April 2011

Do you want To knoEw what is L.O.V.E. ?

Love is something special
that appear between 2 humans being female and male....
Love can only
be feel by people but..
cannot be touch or see...
it is something that
make one in Love
to be happy every time...
if u still dont knoew...
what is Love...
i think you do not need to knoew.....

l.o.v.e is no how love you to drink the coffee...but you what is inside in the coffee..

p/s : mcm hebat je aku bermadah kan.....huhuuu~   <3